"I know no other art of learning than
hard work, devotion and perseverance."
Portrait of an ACCA Student
This portrait is aspirational in nature. Parents and students should rest in the knowledge that no student perfectly embodies each of the following points with consistency.
ACCA students are learning to love and serve the Lord in all aspects of their life.
Their life, actions, beliefs, and hearts have been and continue to be transformed by the saving grace of Jesus Christ. They faithfully profess Holy Scripture as true and bring a spirit of curiosity to theology instruction. They participate whole-heartedly in the liturgies and worship at ACCA and in the context of their family life. They:
Memorize Scripture passages weekly.
Worship in chapel weekly.
Ask questions in theology classes.
Practice confession and repentance and offer forgiveness to others.
Demonstrate an understanding that God impacts all aspects of their lives.
Practice obeying God’s commands.
Are comforted by the Gospel.
Show enthusiasm for the awesome truths they learn in Scripture.
ACCA students love and serve their neighbors.
Their neighbors being classmates, teachers, friends, and family, ACCA students are attuned to caring for those around them. They:
Learn that all people are made in the image and likeness of God and have immense value.
Practice delay or denial of self-gratification to help or support classmates.
Demonstrate growth in character, especially the ACCA values of Truth, Love, Fortitude, Gratitude, and Courage.
Study examples of great men and women in history and theology who served others.
Practice praying for and encouraging members of their community.
Practice manners to show respect to the people around them.
Show neighborly interest in all the people around them and are able to converse well with both children and adults.
ACCA students love and pursue Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
They are fully immersed in the studies they embark upon with their teachers and eagerly absorb stories, skills, and knowledge. They aim to constantly create and build that which is true, good, and beautiful. They:
Demonstrate a sincere love for learning and a spirit of curiosity.
Demonstrate enthusiasm about the work of each school day.
Work with industry in their classes, trusting that their teachers and parents will help them.
Are attuned to excellence and aim to give their best efforts.
Love to read.
Demonstrate growth in physical strength and health, recognizing that they are embodied souls and acknowledging the inherent value of the physical world.
Demonstrate knowledge of and appreciation for Beauty in all created nature, music, art, and one another.
Demonstrate knowledge of Goodness and desire for it in the justice of their games and play.
Demonstrate knowledge of Truth and respect for that which is ultimately real vs. unreal.