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  • When was Alexandria Classical Christian Academy Founded?
    ACCA was founded in the summer of 2023 by Ms. Katherine Kramer due to a growing need for additional access to Classical Christian Schools in Alexandria, VA.
  • How many grades do you have?
    For the 2024- 2025 academic year, ACCA serves Lower School students (from Junior Kindergarten through 5th grade). In subsequent years, we will grow one grade level per academic year until we get to 8th grade.
  • What is the class size at ACCA?
    ACCA is committed to maintaining class sizes of 15 children or less.
  • Is ACCA affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
    No, ACCA is an independent and private Christian school without institutional ties to a specific church or denomination. We do subscribe to the historical creeds of faith (the Apostles Creed) and are strongly rooted in Christian teachings and the Gospel. We follow the church year with our students and encourage reverence in worship. We are housed at First Baptist Church of Alexandria and deeply grateful for their generosity in sharing their beautiful campus with us.
  • What is a Classical Christian Education?
    Classical Christian education is a long tradition of education that emphasizes the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty while cultivating a desire for wisdom and virtue within the student. This is accomplished by the reading of the great books of history and literature, the study of mathematics and creation, and the encouragement and guidance of the teachers.
  • Who is eligible to apply to ACCA?
    We encourage any Christian parents of children from Junior Kindergarten to grade 6 to consider applying to ACCA. Click here to apply for the 2025-2026 school year and see if we are a fit for your family.
  • What is the cost of tuition?
    For the 2023-2024 school year, tuition is $14,000 per year for the first child and $11,000 for each additional child. An application fee and facility fee (total of $600) also will be assessed.
  • What are the school hours?
    The school day runs from 8:20 AM – 3:00 PM each school day. A full calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is available upon application.
  • Is aftercare available?
    Yes, aftercare is available from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM each day. Please inquire upon application for rates.
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